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SHAILAN Soul Paintings


צילום מסך 2024-02-16 131724.png
ליוטיוב (4).png

Orelia writes:
"All the paintings were drawn with full channeling and full adjustment to each soul that commissioned the painting.
Some soul paintings that special souls received this month for their space. Each painting tells a complete life story, with lots of love, hope, fulfillment, self-fulfillment and adherence to the goal. Each drawing shows how special you are, each in his own way. The special souls who ordered a painting from me said that every time they passed by the painting they felt peace, ambition, and things started to move further down the road for their highest good.

This is called "starting". At the root of every person's soul, lies their high potential. All his desires and ambitions, uniqueness, vocation, abundance, joy and health... all this is found as a very, very unique soul code in each and every one of you, your ability. It is at the root of the soul. And how do I do it?

The soul painting is for you a direct and primary reflection of the high abilities that lie within you. Drawing the soul is a bridge and connection to the unique source of each and every one and serves for you as the realization of your conscious and subconscious potential, in your deep layers. Through the energy of the painting, it activates dormant connections to realize the potential inherent in you."

New paintings for sale

These are a unique energetic soul paintings, which bring to the soul who has the painting, happiness, peace, tranquility, love, health and a lot of magic in life.
Orelia draws all the paintings with full divine channeling

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-06 at 08.30.09 (1).jpeg

Lions' Gate

Unique painting 120/100 for sale

Price - 6720$

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-03 at 11.54.14.jpeg

Soul Melody Reflection

Unique painting 50/70 for sale

Price - 2258$

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-03 at 11.54.14.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2024-02-03 at 11.54.16.jpeg


Unique painting 50/70 for sale

Price - 2043$

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-03 at 11.54.14.jpeg

Angel worlds

Unique painting 50/70 for sale

Price - 3333$

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-03 at 12.00.41.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2024-02-03 at 11.54.16 (1).jpeg


Unique painting 50/70 for sale

Price - 2043$

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-03 at 11.54.14.jpeg


Unique painting 50/70 for sale

Price - 3333$

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-03 at 12.01.01.jpeg

Gallery - Sold Paintings

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